Our Enrolment Process

The College's enrolment process is a way for us to work with families to understand whether the College is the best fit for their child, to confirm the eligibility for a child to be enrolled at Xavier, and for us to ensure the best transition into the College for our future students.

Initial Application

The initial application stage is where the College asks you to provide basic information about your family, and your intended enrolment.

This includes gaining an understanding of the year and year level in which you are looking for your child to join the College Community.

We ask that you provide information about your family situation, and yourself as a parent or guardian.

An initial application can be commenced by clicking the 'New Application' button on the front page of this site.

Second Stage Assessment

A second stage assessment involves the College gaining a deeper understanding of your child, and their educational journey so far.

As part of this assessment we collect more detailed information including any recent NAPLAN testing results.

Interview Phase

In the interview phase we will invite your family to meet with our staff to discuss your child's likes and dislikes, how they best learn, and what excites them. We will talk to your family about life at Xavier College, and allow families to learn more about our Ignatian values.

We use this information to guide your child's transition into school life, to understand how we would best support them, and ensure that Xavier is the best fit for your family.

Offer of Placement

If the College believes your child would benefit from a Xavier education and we proceed to make an offer of a place, we will communicate this formally to you.

You will be able to formally accept your offer of placement via our online portal, where you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of our offer and associated policies.

We will then continue to engage with you through your family's transition into the Xavier Community.

Security of Information

All of the information you provide to the College is collected and handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, available on our web site, and the Privacy Act.